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Fall Cake Decorating Class

Have you ever seen a beautifully decorated cake online and wished you could make one yourself? Well, now you can! In this class, you'll decorate your own 6" cake into a beautiful masterpiece! Not only will it be delicious, but it will be a perfect showstopper for your Thanksgiving meal (if you can wait that long to eat it, that is). Sign up now because space is very limited!







What you'll decorate: 





What's included:


Sunday, November 19th from 2-4pm

The Lansing Studio, 701 E South St Ste 217 Lansing, MI 48910

6" pumpkin cake with caramel filling and white chocolate buttercream


I'll provide everything you need to decorate a cake! In the end, you'll take home a beautiful cake that can last up to a week and feed 10 people!


NOTE: if you need a gluten-sensitive cake, please send me a message after purchase! I won't be able to provide a dairy-sensitive option.

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